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The month of February is a time to show love for family and friends; but, what about your lawn? February, the month of love, is the perfect month to show some affection to your lawn and garden. With simplicity, I will outline a few winter lawn care practices to help you get ready for spring.
- Mechanical and chemical application of weed and feed
- Apply Tree and Shrub fertilizer
- If problems areas occur, check lawn ph.
First off, unsightly weeds can diminish the love relationship you have with your lawn. Weeds are not only unattractive, but they also harbor insects and diseases that are harmful to you and the environment. Most importantly, they wreak havoc on visual aesthetics. Furthermore, the fastest way to get rid of them is to pull them out of the ground physically at the roots. Physical de-weeding is sufficient, but it will not prevent weed seedlings from emerging. Chemical weeding products are useful when unwanted grass is significant.
Show some affection and Fertilize
Now, this is the perfect time to fertilize your lawn. However, if you have weeds in your yard, you do not want to nourish them and cause unwanted overgrown. The best and most affordable option is to apply a Weed and Feed product.
As a lawn maintenance company, we prefer granules for full coverage. Our application is four steps forward, turn around and four steps backward. Proper coverage is achieved with an excellent overlapping method.
Hug your Shrubs and Trees with Fertilizer
Nothing spells love as water and fertilizer do to your shrubs and trees. There are a few housekeeping rules, of course.
- Do not apply when rain is approaching
- If near water, leave an untreated buffer zone
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed Continuous Release All Purpose Plant Food
Lastly, this is not the time to apply fertilizer without weeds treatment. We will use fertilizer treatment in April. However, we do recommend you check the ph of soil to ensure your plants and lawn are receiving the proper nutrients.
Hopefully, this is helpful to you. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!